
Mare Nero is an artist duo and an independent publishing platform founded by Nicola Fucili and Federico Gargaglione in Berlin 2017.

The philosophy behind Mare Nero is based on two parallels:

Research, with the aim of bringing young artists to the forefront by creating bespoke publications for each work. No art form is excluded and all means of communication are embraced

Collaboration – Mare Nero (as an art duo) develops a project in collaboration with other artists, on the basis of an idea/concept.



Founded by:

Federico Gargaglione  born 1988, Enna, Italy. Lives and work in Berlin.

Nicola Fucili born 1990, Urbino, Italy. Lives and work in Berlin.



2019                    Mare Nero + Prequel Tapes, dinge (cassette+book)

2018                    Nors, A Syrian Gaze (cassette)

2017                    Mare Nero Nr.0.

                            Mare Nero “a”, featuring the work of Oscar Passeri.

                            Mare Nero Nr.1, A Syrian Gaze.

Solo Shows:

2017                    Nr.0, Neon Kunst, Berlin.

                            Mare Nero for Lokkal Kommunity, K4, Szczecin.

                            A Syrian Gaze, Modular + Space, Berlin.

Group Shows:

2018                    La Religione dei Ricordi, Villaggio Bizantino Canalotto & Necropoli di
.                           Realmese, Calascibetta (Sicily)

2017                    Volume A, Colonia Nova, Berlin.